Tag Archives: blogs

Wednesday Blog Roundup

The blog roundup for this week focuses on money. Yes, that all to scarce yet ubiquitous item that makes itself so important to most people. There is certainly no lack of information on the web about controlling your cash but not all of it is good. We’ll try to offer a selection of the best sites and blogs for your consideration.

I’ll begin with personal finance expert Dave Ramsey. His radio program and speaking engagements have turned Ramsey into something of a cult favorite. I think his advice and encouragement is very good although I am well aware that not everyone agrees with him. Here’s a link to Dave’s 7 Baby Steps to get out of debt. It’s a good place to start and you can explore the site further from that link.

Here’s a bit of a contrarian view about paying off debt from Liz Weston at MSN Money. She argues that we should be selective in which debt we pay off first. Her view is different from Ramsey and certainly worth considering. You can find her article at When paying off debt is a bad idea.”

Here’s a blog that focuses on managing money from a Christian perspective. I know almost nothing about the site or the person but he has a 7 step plan of his own which could prove helpful.

How about a list of 1001 ways to save money? Moolanomy has a list of list to consider.

Frugal Dad (how’s that for a blog name?) suggests using an envelope system to manage your budget. Actually that is also a favorite of Dave Ramsey too. This is a very simple way to take control of your spending.

Here’s a final article, again from Weston at MSN. Her readers shared their dumbest money blunders. Any of you like to chime in?

Please remember, The rich rules over the poor and the borrower is slave of the lender (Proverbs 22:7).

Also Paul’s advice to Timothy “now there is great gain in Godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world and we cannot take anything out of the world.” (1 Timothy 6:6, 7)

Your thoughts, comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

Wednesday Blog Roundup

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the more interesting posts from the past week or so. Please click through and check these people out. if you know of a blog that I am missing, please drop me a comment.

Neil Richey at A Preacher with Wings has a video post about the S.E.C. It might not be what you think!

Sometimes people lose their way and need some one to point them back to their home. Our friend Jeremiah Tatum at Ancient Words wrote  a post about his congregations plan for a Come Home Sunday. Although targeted to his congregation, he makes some fine points that we should all consider about those souls who were once a part of us but now have gone away.

Wayne Jackson uses a survey done by the Baptists to discuss why people leave the church. Their findings and his comments are worth your time. Be especially alert to any signs that you may fit into one of categories. The article is at Christian Courier.

Satan: Hiding in Plain Sight is the title of Richard Mansel’s article at Forthright. Using another survey as a starting point he reminds us that Satan is very real.

Dale Sadler, a counselor, as some thoughts about dealing with enemies. See his post at In Search for More. He calls it, I Strive to be Jesus but Sometimes James & John Take Over.

We’ll wrap it up with a little test from Scott McCown up in the Alabama outback of Walker County. It will make you think. Scott writes the Morning Drive.

Thanks and good reading!

P.S. Here is another blog that I am adding at the end. It is for those with a scientific eye. The writer discusses, in some detail, one of the very many weaknesses of evolutionary theory. While it is a fine article I think his conclusion is best:

…while the facts of nature cause endless headaches for evolution theory, not one fact is difficult to reconcile with belief in an all-wise, infinitely intelligent Creator. Not one. Not even the sharing of similar genetic code by cabbages and pawpaws. It just goes to show what the Master Innovator can do.

The article is called, Evolution’s Quiet Revolution.