No Man Is An Island
John Donne, English poet, wrote that “No man is an island entire of itself.” The point being that we all are a part of one another and our actions impact others. How true! The things I do affects others today and well into the future. I am not isolated. I am not alone. What likely […]
Truth is everywhere. The lack of truth always results in the unraveling of whatever it is excluded from. When deception replaces truth between a husband and wife, the marriage will soon shatter. When truth is discounted in society, chaos will follow. When truth is removed from faith, false teaching and false hope result. The essential […]
Who Shares the Gospel of God?
The gospel of God (Romans 1:2) is the best news anyone has ever heard. It is a declaration of freedom to a world bound up in sin and its consequences. It is a message of freedom. It is an expression of love from the source of love. Indeed, words fail to describe its breadth and […]
Ready for the Alarm?
5:00 AM comes early at the Evans house. The alarm sounds and we soon rise to begin the day. Both of us head to work and the children must be readied for school. Getting out of bed later than 5:00 always causes trouble. I awoke one day this week four short minutes before the alarm […]
The Ups and Downs of the Christian Life
The Ups and Downs of the Christian Life Wouldn’t it be great if our growth and development as a Christian were a straight line of progress? What if we could grow in such a way that we never made a mistake, never stumbled, never tired of doing the Lord’s will and always lived in the […]
Today is Patriot Day in the USA. It is a day of memorial for those who died in the terror attacks of 2001. That attack was designed to frighten – terrorize – Americans and remove us from the national stage. It didn’t work. Fear is one of Satan’s most powerful tools against the Christian. Fear […]
Boast in the Lord
“Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, […]
The Doctrine of Christ
In 2 John 9, the King James translation says, “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.” Other mainline translations replace doctrine with teaching which is acceptable. But notice the importance of having […]
The “D” word has fallen out of favor in some places. Some suggest that it cannot be preached and should only be discussed at the most arcane level. Instead we preach about love and acceptance, grace mercy, favor and the like. Doctrine is out of favor. In some places, doctrine is seen as that which […]
Holy Week
Today is the beginning of Holy Week and it marks the final week of Lent. According to the Catholic calendar today is Palm Sunday which celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Maundy Thursday which is the time Catholics say the Lord instituted the Mass and the Sacrament of Holy Communion, Good Friday which […]