Church Division – Part 2

Church division is never good although in a few cases it may be necessary. In this article we continue our previous discussion on church division and the reasons it is common. We previously spoke of sin and doctrine as reasons for division within the local body. These are areas in which division may necessary or […]

Church Division – Part 1

Church division is never good. It follows discord, discontent, poor fellowship and sin. While it may be necessary to remove the disorderly  from  fellowship (1 Corinthians 5:1-2; Romans 16:17; Matthew 18:17 ) the roots which caused that removal are sad. Like surgery, division may be necessary but it is never good. Paul addressed church division […]

Spiritual but not Religious?

There is a new story on the web at with the title Spiritual But Not Religious. Take a quick read and offer your comments here. The article is pretty balanced and probably fairly accurate at its description of the modern world. In my judgment the people interviewed make a profound error in thinking that […]

The Cultural Christian

I’m finally reading Patrick Morley’s book, The Man in the Mirror. So far I like it. I will give a full review when I finish it. But I want to pass along a comment he makes. In discussing trends of the latter 20th century he notes one which he calls Cultural Christianity. Here is his […]

Church Buildings

I recently asked your thoughts on church buildings and whether they were being “over-built.” We got many good replies both here and on my Facebook page. I really appreciate your thoughts and insights. Now, as I promised, here are my thoughts. First, this is largely a matter of judgment. The Bible doesn’t specify how a […]

What Do You Think About Church Buildings?

I’d like to talk for a few minutes about something that is largely in the realm of opinion. I have some thoughts myself and will post them in a separate article soon. But for the moment, I’d like to pose a question and have you offer your thoughts here on the blog. Here it is: […]

Rethinking Church

You have noticed that people don’t attend church like they once did. Depending upon who you believe, experts say that as many as one-half of Americans do not attended church services on a regular basis. In some areas that number is far higher. Many churches close their doors every year. Even in established congregations the […]

What About the Poor?

Jesus said, “the poor you always have with you…” (John 12:8). He was correct. In his day the poor were seen begging for bread among the streets and highways. Jesus loved these people deeply and seemed to have a special place in his heart for them. The poor were often drawn to Jesus because he […]

Niceville, Florida

Thanks to Joe Palmer and the good people at the Niceville church of Christ. I was invited to speak there tonight on the subject of Surrendering to God. The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 was the text. As before I was treated very well. As an “extra” we witnessed the new birth of […]

Niceville, Florida

Thanks to Joe Palmer and the good people at the Niceville church of Christ. I was invited to speak there tonight on the subject of Surrendering to God. The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 was the text. As before I was treated very well. As an “extra” we witnessed the new birth of […]