Robert Bentley and Brotherhood
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley discovered quickly that the secular community neither understands nor seeks to understand Christian thought. In comments to a denominational gathering just after being sworn inaugurated into office Bentley declared that there was no brotherhood with people who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ. The remarks were sharp and to the point. A […]
Should We Apologize for Jesus?
There is nothing like a good cathartic rant to take us into the weekend but I just need to say a few things. I am a Christian. I stand with Jesus. I will reject everything else for him. I will not be tolerant of anything or anyone if it means discounting or disrespecting my Lord […]
Truth Haters
A couple of verses for your consideration without comment from me. You are encouraged to offer your thoughts in the comments section. “They hate him who reproves in the gate and they abhor him who speaks truth” (Amos 5:10). And from the New Testament: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all […]
A Christian Nation
The United States is founded upon Christian principles. For decades we have watched the national slide into secularism and mediocrity. Any mention of God, Christ, the church or anything resembling religion has been removed, by force and coercion from the public square. That seems to be changing. The rise of angry, militant Islam has caused […]
The Cultural Christian
I’m finally reading Patrick Morley’s book, The Man in the Mirror. So far I like it. I will give a full review when I finish it. But I want to pass along a comment he makes. In discussing trends of the latter 20th century he notes one which he calls Cultural Christianity. Here is his […]
Who’s Moronic? Christians or the World?
From our Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Dumber Department comes the story of youngster sent home from school and instructed to undergo psychological testing because he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. Here’s the link to the story. Now I am reminded of Paul’s words about the cross when he […]
Tattoos and the Bible
I don’t like tattoos. I have never seen one that really appealed to me. I’m just not about to spend a small fortune marking up my body with permanent inks. (Actually, with the size of my body it would be a large fortune.) But that is just my opinion and like everyone else I’m entitled […]
San Diego Relents
[cref san-diego-stops-private-bible-study San Diego will allow Bible study] to continue in a private home. The city land use department warned a homeowner that he was in violation of city ordinances because he conducted Bible studies in his home. The city claimed traffic issues were the reasons for the warning but were forced to back down […]
San Diego Stops Private Bible Study
I’ll just direct you over to Right Minded Online. He’s a political blogger but reports on a real embarrasment for San Diego. Home Bible Studies were ordered stopped by a city official. Now San Diego will argue that this is about obeying land use ordinances but in reality it is an attempt to slowly banish […]
Should Christians Be Concerned about Sotomayor?
President Obama has nominated federal judge Sonia Sotomayor to become the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Typically, Christians are quick to analyze the prospective justice’s view on abortion – usually. Only in this case there is a problem. Judge Sotomayor has never directly ruled on abortion or a woman’s right to choose life or death […]