We Must Obey God
A doctrine of convenience has descended upon the religious world. People are told to believe on Jesus and that alone will save your soul. This is a false doctrine contrived by man. Belief is certainly essential for salvation, but it does not bring salvation when left alone. To believe in Jesus as the only Son […]
Vine, Branches and Denominations
During his final days on earth, Jesus declared, “I am the vine, you are the branches” (John 15:5). What does he mean? Some take this verse as an endorsement of denominationalism. They say that Jesus was describing himself as the vine and the various religious denominations as branches from him. If that is true then […]
Doctrine Is Good
The word “doctrine” has become one of those bad words to many. To them it suggests disagreements and quarrels over subjective religious topics. Since most people dislike confrontation they avoid any doctrinal discussion. But in fact, doctrine is vital and lies at the very center of our faith. Every aspect of our religious thinking is […]
Memorial Day
This weekend Americans celebrate a special national holiday, Memorial Day. Although the name has changed from the original Decoration Day, Memorial Day celebrates and remembers all the servicemen and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the many wars our country has fought. Monday will see a variety of ceremonies marking the day. Flags […]
United Church of Christ and the Churches of Christ
An article in Saturday’s Mobile Press- Register announced the formation of a new church in Mobile. Although it does not go by the name it is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Because this is the first UCC church in Mobile and because of the similarity of the name, I thought we should take […]
The “D” word has fallen out of favor in some places. Some suggest that it cannot be preached and should only be discussed at the most arcane level. Instead we preach about love and acceptance, grace mercy, favor and the like. Doctrine is out of favor. In some places, doctrine is seen as that which […]
Holy Week
Today is the beginning of Holy Week and it marks the final week of Lent. According to the Catholic calendar today is Palm Sunday which celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Maundy Thursday which is the time Catholics say the Lord instituted the Mass and the Sacrament of Holy Communion, Good Friday which […]
Robert Bentley and Brotherhood
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley discovered quickly that the secular community neither understands nor seeks to understand Christian thought. In comments to a denominational gathering just after being sworn inaugurated into office Bentley declared that there was no brotherhood with people who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ. The remarks were sharp and to the point. A […]
The End of the Patriarchal Age
A reader has asked the question: “When did the Patriarchal Age end for the Gentiles, Acts 2 or Acts 10?” It’s a good question and we will try to give an accurate answer. First some background. God has always placed himself under certain agreements with man. These Biblical covenants or dispensations are summarized in another […]
A Congregation is not the Church
Fellowship and cooperation among congregations is the will of the Lord. As brothers and sisters in a closely knit family we work together to tell the world of the good news of Jesus Christ and to share the glory of God with his creation. The One There is one church (Ephesians 4:4). Jesus promised to […]