Understanding Bible Covenants
You must understand covenants in the Bible if you want to understand the Bible. Although God himself never changes (Hebrews 6:17; Hebrews 13:8) he does change the way he deals with man. God does not deal with us today the same as he dealt with Adam and Eve. He did not deal with the Israelites […]
Is There A Middle Ground Between Heaven and Hell?
This is a question that pops up in some form from time to time. The questioner wants to know what will happen to people who have never heard of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and salvation. I am going to try and offer a reasonable answer to the question. Let me say in the opening […]
Is There Any Room for Obedience?
Is there any room for obedience in salvation? I am trying to answer this question but I find many confusing answers in the protestant world. Some don’t seem to think obedience is important. Some argue that we cannot obey God. Phil Johnson, himself a Calvinist, in arguing against an extreme form of Calvinism says this, […]
What About the Old Testament?
Bible students usually spend much time in the New Testament. Such is reasonable as most students seek to know Jesus Christ. Since most of what we know about Jesus is in the New Testament that is where we spend most of our time. For some, the Old Testament is almost a lost or forgotten tome […]
What About the Old Testament?
Bible students usually spend much time in the New Testament. Such is reasonable as most students seek to know Jesus Christ. Since most of what we know about Jesus is in the New Testament that is where we spend most of our time. For some, the Old Testament is almost a lost or forgotten tome […]
Forgiveness of Sins Comes At Baptism – Not Before (Part 2)
The question of precisely when salvation comes is a tremendously important question. There is much error found in the religious world today on the subject and we are trying to correct those misunderstandings. We have [cref 375 previously discussed] certain comments made by a gentleman who has so far declined to participate in our discussion. […]
Forgiveness of Sins Comes At Baptism – Not Before (Part 2)
The question of precisely when salvation comes is a tremendously important question. There is much error found in the religious world today on the subject and we are trying to correct those misunderstandings. We have [cref 375 previously discussed] certain comments made by a gentleman who has so far declined to participate in our discussion. […]
Forgiveness of Sins Comes At Baptism – Not Before (Part 1)
Am I saved before or after baptism? The answer points to a deep rift between the teachings of the churches of Christ and most of the denominational world. The Christian would argue that a man must be baptized in order to be saved while the Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, etc. would argue that one is […]
Forgiveness of Sins Comes At Baptism – Not Before (Part 1)
Am I saved before or after baptism? The answer points to a deep rift between the teachings of the churches of Christ and most of the denominational world. The Christian would argue that a man must be baptized in order to be saved while the Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, etc. would argue that one is […]
Once Saved, Can I Be Lost?
John was taught the truth many years ago and as a young adult he became a Christian. Since then he has begun to wander and now finds himself in a world of sin. As he ponders his condition he takes some comfort in his belief that although he persists in sin now, he was saved […]