First 2010 Sermon
Is there a better way to start the New Year than by assembling with God’s people on the first Lord’s Day of the Year? This Sunday morning we will consider how to Begin With Jesus. Using John’s account of Jesus calling his first disciples (John 1:35-51) we will see some important characteristics for every Christian […]
Are You Ready for Sunday?
Prepare now for the Lord’s day tomorrow and commit to being present in our Bible studies and in our worship services. This is a time when all believers can assemble together and praise the Lord through the fruit of the hearts and lips. Your presence will help make the service better and you will encourage […]
The article is a little different this week in that it is not really an article at all but instead is just some random thoughts about things we are doing at Eastern Shore. Years ago I had a short rambling in every bulletin but with our growth and the increase in activities there is no […]
Speaking in Muscatine, Iowa
I am blessed to be in Muscatine, Iowa this week to teach the adult class for their Vacation Bible School and then to preach for them on Sunday. I was with the brethren there some years ago and was warmly received by them. I look forward to seeing them again. I also have a string […]
Michael Shepherd
Michael Shepherd, from the Westside church of Christ in Pensacola, Florida feed us well last night as he discussed the perfect redemption of God. Michael spent most of his time in Isaiah 53 and emphasized that Jesus suffered for us at Calvary. We had a fine number in our adult class and many in our […]
A Grand Day
The Bible teaches that we are to give honor to those deserving of it (Romans 13:7). In the Old Testament, we are told to honor the aged (Leviticus 19:32). Elders who rule well are worthy of double honor Paul says (1 Timothy 5:17). The Eastern Shore church was able to honor one of its own […]
Thank You John & Helen
Who would have thought that a girl from east Mississippi and a descendant of an east European family could have joined together and made such a great combination and created such a great impact upon the Lord’s church in Baldwin County, Alabama? Such is exactly what happened when Helen Curtis met John Chupek. Today the […]
Thank You John & Helen
Who would have thought that a girl from east Mississippi and a descendant of an east European family could have joined together and made such a great combination and created such a great impact upon the Lord’s church in Baldwin County, Alabama? Such is exactly what happened when Helen Curtis met John Chupek. Today the […]