We Do Not Know When Jesus Will Return Pt 2 of The Rapture
Part four of the Come Lord Jesus series on the final return of Christ at the end of time. Part 1. Beginning of Series Jesus promised to always be with His people (Matthew 28:20), and He promised to return and take those faithful followers to live with Him, in heaven, forever. But, we do not […]
The Rapture: Come Lord Jesus
Part three of the Come Lord Jesus series on the final return of Christ at the end of time. The Rapture is the idea of a secret, preliminary return of Jesus to take his saved away from the earth. It is an integral part of dispensationalism. The idea is novel and has no recorded basis […]
Jesus’ Return and You Don’t Know When
Good people struggle with knowing when Jesus will come again. Stressful times make us long for the shattering of earthly chains and the flight to unknown realms. Like a child waiting to be picked up by his parents after a first overnight away from home, we are increasingly homesick as we await the Lord’s coming. […]
Ready for the Alarm?
5:00 AM comes early at the Evans house. The alarm sounds and we soon rise to begin the day. Both of us head to work and the children must be readied for school. Getting out of bed later than 5:00 always causes trouble. I awoke one day this week four short minutes before the alarm […]
Second Chance Salvation & The Dangers of Dispensationalism
To some, the idea of the Rapture, Armageddon, the Antichrist and a 1,000 year earthly reign of Christ may seem harmless, although errant, variations on the end of time. But buried inside these teachings is a hideous idea that will condemn souls to eternal punishment. It teaches a second chance salvation which is not taught […]
Does 1,000 Years Equal One Day?
From time to time we hear people suggest that a 1,000 years is the same with God as 1 day. Is that really true? “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (2 Peter 3:8) So yes, […]
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Articles on the subject of Revelation and prophecy accrue many hits to Preacher’s Study. I’ve come across an article that you should read if this area interests you. Wayne Jackson discusses both Revelation beasts and offers careful study to help understand them. Jackson mentions a couple of books in his article. I would add Simon […]
1,000 Year Reign Comments
Some good discussion is occuring under the comments section of our article on the 1,000 year reign of Christ. If this is an area of interest I invite you to go to the article, read it and consider the comments at the bottom. You are more than welcomed to participate in the discussion there. This […]
Man of Sin and the AntiChrist
There has long been disagreement among Christians concerning the identify of the AntiChrist. We have before posted teaching about the AntiChrist in [cref identity-of-the-antichrist] and in [cref identity-of-the-antichrist-2]. However there is a doctrine that links the AntiChrist with the Man of Sin from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. We should be able to study the two and […]
Man of Sin and the AntiChrist
There has long been disagreement among Christians concerning the identify of the AntiChrist. We have before posted teaching about the AntiChrist in [cref identity-of-the-antichrist] and in [cref identity-of-the-antichrist-2]. However there is a doctrine that links the AntiChrist with the Man of Sin from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. We should be able to study the two and […]