The Second Coming and the Solar Eclipse
The Second Coming The Second Coming of Jesus is real. It stands today as certain Bible prophecy. Jesus Himself said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:3). No Christian denies a return […]
Have we Confused Antichrist and the Man of Sin?
Part six of the Come Lord Jesus series on the final return of Christ at the end of time. Today, Have We Confused Antichrist and the Man of Sin? It is common to equate antichrist of John’s writings with Paul’s man of lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians. Some writers bounce back and forth between the two […]
Antichrist Is Not What You Think
Part five of the Come Lord Jesus series on the final return of Christ at the end of time. Today we examine antichrist. Social media has much to say about antichrist. He is just around the corner and will soon arise. He brings welcomed order to our troubled world and will be a heroic figure […]
We Do Not Know When Jesus Will Return Pt 2 of The Rapture
Part four of the Come Lord Jesus series on the final return of Christ at the end of time. Part 1. Beginning of Series Jesus promised to always be with His people (Matthew 28:20), and He promised to return and take those faithful followers to live with Him, in heaven, forever. But, we do not […]
The Rapture: Come Lord Jesus
Part three of the Come Lord Jesus series on the final return of Christ at the end of time. The Rapture is the idea of a secret, preliminary return of Jesus to take his saved away from the earth. It is an integral part of dispensationalism. The idea is novel and has no recorded basis […]
Come, Lord Jesus
John was waiting for Jesus when he penned the above words from Patmos in Revelation 22:20. Aside from being exiled to a small island in the Aegean Sea, he was privileged to see a series of revelations about the past and the future. John saw a vision of heaven and saw the enthroned Creator and […]
Blood Moons, Catastrophe & False Prophets: Here We Go Again
It’s happening again. A small but vocal group is sounding warnings about a coming blood moon on September 28, 2015. A blood moon, or total lunar eclipse is not uncommon but what makes this event notable is that it occurs while the earth and moon are at their closest positions. A supermoon occurs when a […]
Second Coming / Rapture Primer
With all the interest in end times events, modern prophetic fulfillment, blood moons and eschatology, we offer a collection of articles on various subjects relating to the Lord’s return. These are just some of the two dozen plus articles we have prepared on the subject. Us the search box to find more. Prepare – Are […]
1 Thessalonians at FHU
1 and 2 Thessalonians are the featured books being studied this week at Freed-Hardeman University during the annual Bible Lectureship. Some years ago the lectureship committee decided to work their way through the entire Bible, taking one or two books at a time, until the entire Bible had been systematically studied faces have come and […]
It did not freeze last night. Contrary to some weather forecasts, it only dropped to about 37 here in Daphne. But I did notice my neighbors covering their plants yesterday. And even though they will awake to realize their work was not needed, they will still take similar preparations next time. When living in the […]