The Cheerful Giver
5 Ways God Trusts Us
We trust God. We may call it faith, assurance, or certainty, but all Christians trust God. Do not forget that the opposite is true too. Check out 5 Ways God Trusts Us. God Has Given Us A Soul God created every living creature, but only with mankind did he breathe into him the “breath of […]
Giving To God – 2
There are financial needs that must be met by every congregation. Those need aren’t met through some miracle but by the offerings and contributions of those who attend. To look at some you might think that anything goes in the realm of church financing but that would be an error. Jesus, through inspired writers, has […]
Giving To God – 2
There are financial needs that must be met by every congregation. Those need aren’t met through some miracle but by the offerings and contributions of those who attend. To look at some you might think that anything goes in the realm of church financing but that would be an error. Jesus, through inspired writers, has […]
Giving to God
Have you noticed the number of local churches working hard to raise money? This weekend a group was selling doughnuts at an intersection. Sometimes they sell nothing, only ask for contributions as you drive by. A month ago a local denomination sold fireworks from a portable building.