Why I am a Christian – 20 Reasons
I am a Christian. I am a believer in an almighty God who sent his son to die for my sins. My reasons for being a Christian are many and varied but I plan to offer the top 20 here. I’ll list them today and then expand upon them in coming weeks. This list is […]
Through the Eye of a Needle
Camels are big – really big. Standing over 7 feet tall these interesting creatures inhabit the dry desert regions of the Middle East. They have been used in combat for millenia and were even used experimentally in the American Civil War. The camel has an ability to frighten horses and so they have proven useful […]
Through the Eye of a Needle
Camels are big – really big. Standing over 7 feet tall these interesting creatures inhabit the dry desert regions of the Middle East. They have been used in combat for millenia and were even used experimentally in the American Civil War. The camel has an ability to frighten horses and so they have proven useful […]
Resurrection Under Attack – Again
Time Magazine Online is attacking the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In an article published Monday, the magazine reports a dubious claim by a Jewish collector that an inscription has been found which shows the idea of three days in the tomb and then a resurrection was already known of in Jewish legend before Jesus actually […]