Luke 17:7-10: The Unworthy Servant
Truth comes in all sizes in Scripture. Some truths are pleasant and enjoyable while others are terrifying. It is true that the righteous will live eternally in heaven; that is a pleasant truth. Likewise, eternal damnation is a truth most horrifying. Consider the truth of Luke 17:7-10: “Will any one of you who has a […]
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
To ask, what must I do to be saved, is to ask the greatest question ever uttered. It shows an interest in something far beyond this world and priorities shaped by eternal needs. You have asked a great question! The answer is not complicated, but it does have many facets so let’s get started. What […]
5 Ways to Change Your Culture
Culture is corrupt. It is not a government problem; it is a people problem. The world of the 21st century rejects the God of the Bible and despises his teachings. Culture chooses darkness over light just as Jesus said it would. If you are trying to live faithfully, you may feel helpless and hopeless. Your […]
Persistent Prayer
Recently, a discussion arose in a Bible class for which I felt ill prepared to discuss in detail. After some reflection and study, I’d like to present some thoughts better organized than what I offered in the class. The question concerns persistent prayer. Specifically, should the Christian persist in a specific prayer before God until […]
Finding a Church
You have made an important decision. You want to find a church and improve your spiritual life. That is a commendable goal but it could be more difficult than you think. Finding a church that will help you learn and grow is not easy. More and more groups call themselves a church but in reality […]
Jesus Only
Evangelism is a vital part of what we do in service to our Lord. We teach and preach truth so that some might hear and come to a knowledge of that same truth. People will be saved through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus there is no hope; there is no salvation. Jesus said to him, […]
Are We Too Busy?
Life is busy, and it seems to be getting busier every day. Supposedly, there was a time when life was simpler; we were not as busy, and we spent more time at home. But those days, if they ever existed, are now a part of distant history. Today, we seem to be so busy […]
Friends for Dinner
A man once remarked that he might have to work with a person he did not like, but he did not have to break bread with him. He is right. We do not invite our enemies to dinner. We cherish friends and relish spending time with them over a meal. We invite our friends to […]
God’s Covenant’s – The Christian Age
Previously, three periods of time were addressed during which God dealt differently with people. Those periods are the Patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian. In this article, we examine the Mosaic age in greater detail. All people are subject to Jesus Christ. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16). […]
The Price of Jesus
Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Even though he tried to return the money he is still one of the most infamous characters in Scripture. His name is used as an insult hurled at one who is a traitor or turncoat. We despise Judas because of what he did to Jesus. Like you, […]