It is true, Jesus Breaks Christians. He does not stop there. After Jesus breaks a man, he rebuilds him. He rebuilds him far better than he was before. Here in Daphne, a small building recently burned. Flames destroyed much of the roof and most of two walls. Smoke infiltrated the remainder of the wood frame […]
Jesus breaks Christians. It is a necessity. Every Christian breaks when Jesus shatters his common way of life so that holiness can rule. Our lives, which seem good to us, are melted in the light of the true goodness in Christ. What seems clean and pristine is discovered stained and ruined when brought before the […]
Confusing Love and Tolerance
Jesus is the greatest example of love ever known. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). But Jesus went beyond that. He died for his enemies too. “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For […]
Paralysis: Satan’s Tool
Guillen-Barre is a slowly progressing illness that paralyzes people beginning in the feet and sometimes moving all the way into the chest and neck. It’s terrifying to feel your muscle control slipping away and wondering whether your breathing will soon stop. In most cases GB reverses itself and patients make a full recovery but they […]
The mind of the Christian is vastly different from the mind of the worldly person. In our conversion and sanctification we have been changed. We do not see life the same way as before. And, as we mature, our thinking changes more and we become more like Christ in our thinking and actions. Today, we […]
5 Reasons Christians Will Not Bow
Paul used illustrations of soldiers and battles to describe the Christian life. Recent weeks have proven the wisdom of such ideas. We are in a battle we did not choose. We are daily assaulted by worldly forces in high places. Some have already surrendered. Others fight on. This not a battle where compromise and treaties […]
The Thief on the Cross
Many have asked how it is possible that the thief on the cross was saved apart from baptism. Some use the thief as proof that baptism is unnecessary in salvation. Their thinking is in error as the thief proves nothing concerning baptism. The story of the thief is found in some form in all four […]
No Fear
Life is a scary place. Unlike television shows which portray trouble real life is trouble. You cannot switch it off or change the channel. Life happens. Sometimes we try to deal with life issues by pretending they are not there. Denial. Maybe we put it off. Ignore it and hope that it will go away. […]
Resolved: 4 Simple Steps for 2015
Let’s do something a little different today. Let’s make 5 New Year’s resolutions that we can actually keep. I’m the worst at keep resolutions. If I make it to January 2nd it’s a big accomplishment. I want to do something different this year and commit to doing some things that I can really stick with […]
So Many People!
The United States hit a population milestone this year surpassing the 320 million mark. That’s a lot of people but it is still lives us a very distant 3rd in the global population race. Both India and China count 4 times more people in their borders than we do. Worldwide, there are now over 7 […]