What Now?

Christmas is history. Presents exchanged, meals prepared and much love exchanged by family and friends marked the holiday. All that remains is to pack away the ornaments, throw out the trash and wave goodbye to family as everyone returns home to begin a new year. It’s been busy. Among all the food, frivolity and fun, […]

4 Thoughts on the Protests

Some events just bring out the worst in people. Such has been the recent events surrounding two deaths involving police officers. In both cases, officers were cleared of any criminal action but protesters were unhappy and took to the streets to protest their concerns. There is nothing wrong with protesting. It is an established and […]

Day by Day

Christianity is a way of life. Our faith is daily. It saturates every minute of every day. There is never a moment when a servant of Christ takes a vacation from the Lord’s work. We belong to Christ always. The original Christians constantly and consistently lived for Jesus. Their dedication guides us into a life […]

John 3:16

John 3:16 is the best known Bible verse. Even most atheists know the verse. It’s posted on signs at sporting events, it appears on bumper stickers, is emblazoned on t-shirts and is often quoted from the pulpit. This Golden Text of the Bible is known and quoted by people even if they do not know […]

The Struggle

Almost everything in life is a process. Our physical growth is a process occurring over decades. Education is a process spanning years and years. In the same way, spiritual development is a process. It takes time to purge the bad habits and develop new, godly habits. Sometimes we become impatient with ourselves and with others […]

Elton John and Jesus

Elton John, famed musician and outspoken homosexual activist, informed us this weekend that “if Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person  that he was, saying this could not happen.” John is speaking of legislation which would permit homosexual couples to be married in the […]

Memorial Day

How do you honor someone who gave his life for you? All the parades, all the ceremonies and all the speeches combined can never repay their sacrifice. But, we try. In the USA, tomorrow is Memorial Day. It is a time to remember all the men and women who gave their lives in defense of […]

Jesus Forgives and Heals

Jesus taught a masterful lesson at his home in Capernaum. He had just crossed the Sea of Galilee where he stilled a storm and then healed two demon possessed men from a graveyard (Matthew 8:23 ff). Now people have flocked to his home and he begins to teach. The crowds are so large that no […]

The Devil Is In Charge!

A provocative title wouldn’t you say? But it is very true. Christians often respond with shock and surprise at the wickedness that runs rampant in our world. We shouldn’t be. It is expected that any environment under the influence of evil will, itself, be evil. Our world, our society, our culture, and sometimes even our […]

What Is Sin and Why Should I Care?

Preachers are fond of saying that sin is the universal scourge of mankind. We talk a lot about sin and its impact on our world. We remind listeners that sin condemns. But it may be that some people, especially those fresh to thinking about spiritual matters, may not understand the entire idea of sin and […]

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