Why Bother?
“Of all the things I have to do every week, attending church is not a priority.” Could that be your thinking? If we believe the most current research that is exactly the thinking of many people. They wonder, “Why bother with church?” Life pulls in many directions. There are important things like children, school, and work. […]
“to serve…not to be served”
Service is a hallmark of our faith. The founder of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) said of his own life that he came not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45). His life was a daily reminder that he surrendered the glories of heaven to come here and serve mankind. He did not seek his […]
The “Smoothing” of the Old Rugged Cross
Crucifixion was a horrible way to die. The Romans intended it that way. A criminal might languish for hours and hours as his life slowly drained away. The very public death was also intended to be humiliating. The near naked man was displayed for all to see and to berate with every conceivable insult. There […]