The Last State of the Apostate

The most pitiful man in the world is one who, having known and obeyed the truth, turns from it and resumes a worldly life. Here is a man without excuse. He has placed himself away from God. Like the prodigal of Luke 15:11 ff, he has traveled into a far country where trouble and strife […]

What Has Been Done, Will Be Done

  Solomon nailed it:       “What has been is what will be,       and what has been done is what will be done,       and there is nothing new under the sun. “ (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Everything we see and marvel at today is old news. It has happened before and will continue to happen over […]

Confusing Love and Tolerance

  Jesus is the greatest example of love ever known. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).  But Jesus went beyond that. He died for his enemies too. “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For […]


The mind of the Christian is vastly different from the mind of the worldly person. In our conversion and sanctification we have been changed. We do not see life the same way as before. And, as we mature, our thinking changes more and we become more like Christ in our thinking and actions. Today, we […]

The Insolent

Insolent. It is not a common word. But the Holy Spirit used it quite a bit. It’s found, in some form, 22 times in the Bible (ESV). Almost a third of the time it is found in Psalm 119 which is where I stumbled across it. English dictionaries define the word as someone who is […]

Church and Government

It’s time to talk about the church and government. It seems we are confusing the two. As a result, many Christians are wringing their hands over a federal judge who decided to mandate same-sex marriage in Alabama. There are some facts we should keep in mind. The Church and Government Are Not the Same While […]

Is Suicide A Sin?

If you know me, you know I do not judge the eternal destiny of individuals. That is God’s job and I am happy to leave it to him. My knowledge is never complete so I observe and warn but do not presume to judge. That’s especially true with suicide victims. There are some who teach […]

The Struggle

Almost everything in life is a process. Our physical growth is a process occurring over decades. Education is a process spanning years and years. In the same way, spiritual development is a process. It takes time to purge the bad habits and develop new, godly habits. Sometimes we become impatient with ourselves and with others […]

The Devil Is In Charge!

A provocative title wouldn’t you say? But it is very true. Christians often respond with shock and surprise at the wickedness that runs rampant in our world. We shouldn’t be. It is expected that any environment under the influence of evil will, itself, be evil. Our world, our society, our culture, and sometimes even our […]

What Is Sin and Why Should I Care?

Preachers are fond of saying that sin is the universal scourge of mankind. We talk a lot about sin and its impact on our world. We remind listeners that sin condemns. But it may be that some people, especially those fresh to thinking about spiritual matters, may not understand the entire idea of sin and […]

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