My Fault? Can’t Be!

The human condition is frail, weak, wicked, broken. There is no denying that mankind suffers from almost every malady that can be imagined. We’re a sad lot. At some level I suppose there is comfort in knowing that we aren’t that much different from everyone else. In other words, I guess there is comfort in […]

Comfortable Sin

Comfort foods are foods that bring us great satisfaction. Chocolate cake, a homemade chicken casserole, extra hot sanchos from Taco Casa in Tuscaloosa. Right? The problem is that comfort foods are usually unhealthy, especially in volume.  We never fuss at anyone about eating them because they are so common and, well, comforting. Jason Todd at […]

Unrestrained Passions

The dust up over Duck Dynasty and homosexuality brought many thoughts into view. The Biblical view is that the practice of homosexuality is a sin. The lawless view is that there is no such thing as God and therefore no such thing as sin. In the middle are masses who either do not know what […]

Casual Sex and Culture

Shortly after the Miley Cyrus embarrassment students in public schools were seen twerking. That is, they were moving their bodies in way suggestive of having sex. The provocative moves soon found their way into some dance team and cheer-leading routines in public schools.  Cyrus was not finished debasing herself and culture.  Her music video featured […]

Hate vs. Love

Westboro Baptist Church brought their hate to Tuscaloosa Saturday. That church is known for picketing funerals of American servicemen claiming they did as a judgment from God because the US supports homosexuality. We have no intention of saying anything else about them but they do provide a useful backdrop for some thoughts on approaching sin. […]

Let Me Come Out

Let me come out. I’m straight. Let me say one more thing. I know, have known and have dearly loved friends who were gay or lesbian. I would never trash them or abuse them. But in the same breath I have to say that the LGBT lifestyle is sinful. ESPN analyst Chris Broussard said it […]

Farewell 2012

We close the books on 2012 today. It’s over and I’m hoping for a better 2013. It has been a difficult year in so many ways. Hardly a month has passed without some horrifying event taking place which rattles us and makes stop to ask “why?” Let’s think about the big events of 2012 and […]

Darkness is Falling on Tuscaloosa

Tuscaloosa County is the home of my youth. Growing up in Northport, we often went to Tuscaloosa to shop and for entertainment. The University of Alabama was there and football weekends in the Fall were as much a part of my youth as skinned knees. In 1972, when I was 11 years old, a disturbance […]

The Dangerous Prom

Spring brings the prom. It’s the social event of the year for many young people. But hidden beneath all the fancy dresses and well groomed, tuxedo-clad men lies a dangerous truth. The prom is no place for a Christian. It’s an optional event that is fraught with danger. So much so that the term “prom […]

A Swirling Vortex of Sin

The Bible is clear. The world will get worse. Just when you think mankind has begun to show some fear of God you find that our culture has moved even lower. “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from […]

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