The Pain of Secret Sin
Secret sins are exceptionally common. We all have them or at least have had them in the past. They often lie enmeshed in our greatest spiritual weaknesses and there thrive on our embarrassment and feelings of worthlessness and helplessness. Secret sins are the ones that have the greatest power over our lives and the greatest […]
The Pain of Secret Sin
Secret sins are exceptionally common. We all have them or at least have had them in the past. They often lie enmeshed in our greatest spiritual weaknesses and there thrive on our embarrassment and feelings of worthlessness and helplessness. Secret sins are the ones that have the greatest power over our lives and the greatest […]
When Sin is Very Public
Many sins manage to stay covered from the eyes of men. But sometimes sin becomes extremely well known. How shall we respond when a family member or close friend is caught up in sin? Will we separate ourselves from them or will be respond in love, strength and support? Some do not understand that Christians […]
Prom Talk
There was a time when the “prom” was limited to juniors and seniors in high school. Today it is not uncommon to find dances at almost all levels of schooling. There was also a time when preachers railed against the dangers of the prom but that has also since passed. The prom is still dangerous […]
Prom Talk
There was a time when the “prom” was limited to juniors and seniors in high school. Today it is not uncommon to find dances at almost all levels of schooling. There was also a time when preachers railed against the dangers of the prom but that has also since passed. The prom is still dangerous […]
Romans 5:6, 15-17 Matthew 18:21-35 Independence Day is upon us and we celebrate the founding of our great nation. Marked by outdoor parties with mounds of ribs, beans and potato salad we will stuff ourselves immensely and then settle down to watch a sky-show of fireworks. Many will hardly consider the cost of our Declaration […]