From our Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Dumber Department comes the story of youngster sent home from school and instructed to undergo psychological testing because he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. Here’s the link to the story.
Now I am reminded of Paul’s words about the cross when he said, “but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles” (1 Corinthians 1:23). What’s interesting is the word translated “folly” or “foolishness” in the King James is the Greek MORIAN from MORIA which lies behind our English word “moron.” In other words, the world thinks a crucified Savior is moronic. And now we see it in Taunton, MA.
By the way, in his drawing Jesus had a smile on his face. Just crazy huh? What do you think?
The wrong person had the psychological testing.
Perchance the teacher needs to undergo a little psychological testing.
Hi Chuck, I think you are very correct. Maybe they should be removed from student contact.
The link in your post has been updated with new developments.
Thanks Brandon. yes it has been updated and the Board of Education has issued a statement. I remain highly suspicious however as it took them a couple of days to make those revised announcements and a previous comment from the system did not level those charges as the Superintendent has done.
There still seems to be a serious over-reaction here don’t you think?
“Maybe they should be removed from student contact?” is a bit of an overreaction. Frankly I don’t buy any of it. It still isn’t clear what actually happened, but of course the instinct here is to believe a school would “persecute” a poor innocent christian child. I see a father on the news getting his 15 minutes. I see parents who don’t show up to a scheduled meeting and now have press reps.
Does it ever occur to christians that the symbol of their salvation is a battered and bloodied naked man nailed to a piece of wood and that the nuances of how this image relates to sacrifice, redemption, salvation, etc. may be a bit abstract for the average 8 year old? Where does a child’s unhealthy fixation on the violent imagery end and the message of joy and redemption it purports to convey begin?
Thank you for your thoughts.
Perhaps removing them from student contact may be a little over the top, but correction and additional training is warranted.
It is not surprising at all that this happened – not really. The truthfulness of the Father’s statement is seen in the stuttering response from the school system that took days to come out. We have often seen public schools ridiculing and segregating Christian thought from the schools. Children wearing Christian tee shirts are told to change, Bibles prohibited in a school, the list goes on and on. So no, this is not surprising.
Your question about the cross and the 8 year old mind may be valid, although I do not think so. In any case it is the business of the parents to teach and instill that understanding – not that of public schools. You cannot have it both ways. If the school cannot support Christian faith they also may not assault Christian faith. Teachers are not parents. Parents on the other hand are teachers and are responsible for all aspects of their child’s education and upbringing.